The world is watching us. They are watching the gridlock in Washington, a political environment perpetuated by racism. It’s not necessarily Obama that Putin sees as weak, but America destroying itself with one self-created crisis after another. More than $200 billion, and counting, have been wasted as a direct result of the Republicans' irrational and indefensibly childish obstruction in Washington. Now they are raising money off of the Benghazi tragedy and praising a Communist leader while trashing their sitting president. Virtually no one in this party has the strength of character to stand against the unfathomable, inarguably evil endless campaign or the grave, perhaps irrevocable damage it is doing to the nation.
200 Billion And
Still No Jobs Bill
Congressional Republicans recently announced a new round of hearings into
the tragedy in Benghazi, Libya, assembling a semi-permanent “select
committee” consisting of seven Republicans and five Democrats
the committee can and will out-vote at will. Democratic
lawmakers are considering declining to serve on the committee,
the hearings being an obvious show trial with a predetermined
verdict of guilt aimed squarely at the political agendas of U.S.
President Barack Obama and his former Secretary of State Hillary
Clinton. This is the latest multi-million dollar waste of time
and money from a Republican-led Congress that has refused to
function as a legislative body since this president’s 2008
election. Rather than govern, legislate or lead, this Congress
has done absolutely nothing but engage in Wyle E. Coyote-style
futile politics baldly aimed at subverting two U.S. national
elections. The core problem is today’s Republican party is
virtually owned by extremists whose loyalty is first and
foremost to political ideology and not the American public.
These ideologues, who routinely rail against this president over
his wasteful spending, cast 50 knowingly futile Congressional
votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act at a cost estimated at
more than $72 million (CBS News). They held hostage the nation’s
credit rating and the global economy by refusing to approve a
routine increase in the nation’s debt limit, then successfully
blamed the president for the unprecedented downgrading of the
nation’s credit, which has cost the nation an estimated $100
billion per year (JP Morgan) and the world perhaps trillions of
dollars. A knowingly futile government shutdown cost the nation
over $24 billion in lost productivity (Standard & Poor’s).
Virtually all the GOP-led Congress has done during this
president’s six years in office is waste obscene amounts of
money on failed political attempts to depower the
legitimately-elected president of the United States while
successfully painting the president as a tax-and-spend money
waster, ignoring the fact that, on this president’s watch, the
unemployment rate has dropped from nearly 10% to 6.3%, the
deficit has been cut in half, and the U.S. Government employee
base is the smallest in modern history.
Most of this is lost on the American public because most people don't bother to look anything up and the White
House Communications office is absolutely dreadful at getting
the message out that, despite the childish and historic
Congressional obstruction, this president has quietly gone about
the work of the American people. Unemployment hit a low of 6.3% two weeks ago
and yet all we hear is the Republicnas continuing to bash the president and
forecast economic doom for the nation. This is the chief weakness of
the Obama administration: they simply suck at messaging. Friends and foes alike hear only Republican harping: wasteful
spending, high unemployment, ballooning debt—none of which is
actually true. And now, let’s waste another $14 million dollars
beating the dead horse of the non-scandal of Benghazi while
blatantly stacking the decks politically. This is after thirteen
previous hearings conducted by eight Congressional committees.
These people absolutely refuse to stop campaigning.
As I’ve said over and over, Republicans know their base is
stupid, irrational, and bigoted against a black president.
Bigots are desperate for rational reasons to justify their
irrational impulse toward hatred. For, without some
justification, they’d actually have to come to terms with their
bigotry rather than continue to live in denial. Since this
president’s first campaign, conservative pundits have made their
life’s work delivering absurd and obviously untrue
justifications for the ignorant bigotry of their low-information
supporters. These are people who are not motivated, ever, to
actually look anything up but who instead take ridiculous people
Sarah Palin at face value as she and her unfathomably
unscrupulous peers put on an obscene and patently obvious
high-camp campaign to gin up their racist supporters, assuaging
their conscience by assuring them they are not actually racists:
there actually was a conspiracy, back in 1961, to put a
foreign-born black man named Barack Hussein in the White House.
Only the most psychotically desperate people, awash in and in
denial of their own racism, could possibly believe that. But the
numbers are there—by the millions—a revelation unsettling to
most thinking people: the human waves of the gullible who simply
hate this president for not rational reason.
So, here we go again with Benghazi. Any reasonably educated adult can see, before these hearings even begin, that the verdict will be some terrible criticism of Obama and Clinton because criticizing Obama and Clinton is all Congressional Republicans actually do. They don’t actually do, have never actually done, the actual jobs the American public pays them nearly two hundred thousand dollars apiece to do. All they actually do is campaign. And, by campaign, I mean stir up dissention against a sitting president, which is actually a crime of sedition. The nadir of this effort has been Congressional Republicans expressing admiration and respect for Communist Russian President ne-dictator Vladimir Putin while criticizing a sitting U.S. president in the same breath. This is the kind of ideological whiplash these guys should have been censored or even impeached over (can you even imagine Congress praising Nikita Khruschev while badmouthing President John F. Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis?). There seems to be absolutely no boundaries to the extremes these hateful, evil men and women will go in their futile effort to discredit and undermine a sitting U.S. president and routinely violate public trust as their Never-Ending Campaign undermines a nation.