Grand Old Opprobrium
The Republican Party: An American Disgrace
Damned If He Does: No matter what Obama does, the GOP will pounce. Meanwhile, STILL no jobs bill.
The World Is Watching
Republicans, who have long branded themselves as staunchly
anti-communist, have taken to praising Russian President Vladimir Putin
as a strong leader and greatly superior to U.S. President Barack Obama.
This is what our contemporary Republicans do: lie knowingly and
incessantly while selling out their own stated values at the drop of a
hat for even the most minimal of political gain.
The GOP tends to describe America’s national interest in the Ukraine
along typical propaganda lines, that the Ukraine crisis is a symbol of
America’s response to tyranny. In other words, much like Vietnam,
America has no actual vital interest there, but we need to send young
people to die because of what the conflict symbolically represents.
Should America be seen as weak or reluctant to act, the theory goes,
Iran could be emboldened on their nuclear ambitions and China might
annex some disputed territories we’ve never heard of.
This misses the very real point that, yes, the world is indeed watching
us. They are watching the gridlock in Washington, a political
environment perpetuated by racism. It’s not necessarily Obama that Putin
sees as weak, but America destroying itself with one self-created crisis
after another. The world thinks we are idiots to despise this man whose
entire agenda has been one of peace and compassion. Putin sees an
America stuck in the muck of hatred and knows, despite ill-advised
threats, the West lacks the will to actually do anything concrete to
stop him. Republicans want to make that solely and completely about
Obama, but I don’t see any French or Israeli jets flying to engage those
Russian MiGs. No other western nation is doing anything at all to help
Ukraine, but if you listen to these GOP bigots, you’d think our
president was calling Spain and Germany and holding them back from
military action.
There simply is no military action to take that won’t lead to a
bloodbath and terrible economic consequences for the entire planet. It
is not just Obama, not just the U.S., but the entire western world who
is reluctant to engage Russian militarily over what is, sadly, a
relatively unimportant piece of global real estate. The notion that,
should the Ukraine fall that all of Europe would be threatened, is a bit
ludicrous. Russian simply doesn’t have that kind of muscle anymore. They
seem like it because they’re rolling over Ukraine, but Russia rolling
over Ukraine is a lot like the entire US military invading Rhode Island.
It’s not a real contest. But real war, with guns and everything, has a
human cost the world is tired of paying. Putin knows that. He also knows
that Obama’s seeming paralysis is as much about the irrational hatred of
a dysfunctional Congress as anything else.
Had Obama immediately engaged militarily, these very same racist loons
would be fogging up the airwaves criticizing Obama for his fast trigger
finger or for an obvious attempt to shore up his reputation for
ponderous timidity in a global crisis. The president understand this. He
knows that it really would not matter, does not matter, what he did or
does: there simply is no point of action or discussion in which the
relentless, histrionic, irrational criticism of him and his
administration will cease. This is what marks the GOP strategy as
patently disingenuous. Actual criticism is balanced and thoughtful:
here’s the good stuff, here’s the bad stuff. For over five years, now,
we have heard relentlessly bad, negative, hateful things from the GOP.
Without exception. That is, by definition, propaganda. Propaganda works
best when it is repeated loudly and often to low-information gullible
people. The fact the GOP doesn’t trust their own constituents enough to
present anything reasonably close to a balanced view of this president
and his policies fairly screams to the world what the GOP actually think
of their own people. They think those people are idiots because that’s
precisely how they treat them.
The Real Terrorist: Protester painting a masked Putin.
The Real Threat
Obama, meanwhile, refuses to take the bait. He, instead, forges ahead,
inch by inch, with a thoughtful and rational response to Russia that is
not sexy and is certainly not quick. The crippling sanctions leveled
upon Putin’s Russia will eventually reach a critical mass and threaten
to collapse the already weakened Russian economy. Putin knows this, But
he also knows the American people are lazy and stupid and do not
understand global economics. We understand bluster and John Wayne, but
we’re sick of war and see no dire national interest in sending our kids
to yet another foreign land to die.
So, the president takes yet another pie in the face, labeled soft and
powerless while these Republican men and women praise a communist
dictator. Damned if he does and damned if he does not, Obama shakes off
the incessant, childish irrational propaganda and goes about the
business of the American public. Meanwhile, one shudders to think how
powerful and effective America could be if the Republican party put even
a fraction of their energy into actual legislation instead of insisting,
for nearly six years, on doing absolutely nothing whatsoever but
criticize the president and block all legislation that might actually
benefit anyone for fear of the president getting any credit at all for
The real global threat is not Obama’s indecisiveness but the GOP.
Christopher J. Priest
12 May 2014