The politicization of The Gospel is an offense to the cross.
God's man will exhibit God's attributes. Between John McCain and
Barack Obama, which one is a better example of Christ-like
conduct? Who Jesus would vote for, I cannot say. I encourage you
to vote for the candidate who best personifies those qualities
of Christ. Vote for the candidate who lies less, who is less
mean, who is less ruthless. Who is kinder. Who speaks to our
hopes and not our fears. My bumper sticker might read, “Vote For
The Grown-Up.”
vice president is in charge of the Senate.”
This is a woman who did not apparently know the
job description of the office she was running
for. Who didn't know which countries were part
of NAFTA (Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, the
controversial North American Free Trade
Agreement). Who didn't realize Africa was a
continent, as opposed to a single country. A
woman who'd never heard of The Bush Doctrine of
preemptive warfare until ABC's Charlie Gibson
asked her about it. Who apparently reads no
newspapers or news magazines, who mocked genetic
studies of fruit flies without apparently
knowing fruit fly studies were crucial to the
study of autism in children (her signature
policy issue), who couldn't name a Supreme Court
decision other than Roe v. Wade that she
disagreed with, who gloated over Barack Obama's
"connection" to former PLO Spokesman Rashid
Khalidi before the media discovered John McCain
had an even bigger "connection" to him (McCain
helped secure a half-million dollar grant for
Khalidi). This is a former sportscaster who
doesn't know the difference between the World
Champion Philadelphia Phillies (Eastern
Pennsylvania) and the Pittsburg Pirates (Western
Pennsylvania, where she was booed for cheering
the Phillies). A woman who is, from all
evidence, even less intellectually curious than
George W. Bush and more clueless than Dan
Quayle. An "ordinary hockey mom" with a $150,000
designer wardrobe whose Christian values do not,
apparently, preclude her from repeatedly and
capriciously lying about Barack Obama or move
her to admonish those within her earshot yelling
out, "Kill him." Whose Christian values do not,
from all evidence, extend to her pregnant teen
daughter. And who, from all reports, still
believes she has a shot at the White House,
intending to challenge Barack Obama in 2012.
As hard as it is to imagine, Sarah Palin would
make an even worse president than George W.
Bush, whom many historians now regard as the
worst U.S. president in modern history. She is
even farther to the right than Bush and, from
all evidence, much less informed, although I
can't imagine the ontological bankruptcy
required to limbo beneath that bar. She is,
literally, like so many housewives whose
minivans I routinely dodge in Wal-Mart's parking
lot—which, really, is an insult to those moms,
so busy talking on cell phones and fussing with
the kids that they routinely ding up cars parked
around them. It's not even that Palin is an
airhead, it's that she's arrogant, a thought
echoed by Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta
Journal-Constitution who wrote, "...despite good
political instincts and genuine charisma, [Palin]
disdains intellect, disregards ethical
standards, ignores policy details and lies
habitually. The more voters learned about her in
this campaign season, the less they liked her.
Some political strategists believe she’s done
John McCain more harm than George W. Bush."
Leaked reports have her own campaign team
calling her a "diva," and the investigation
released by the Alaskan Legislative Council
describe a vindictive, tunnel-visioned manager
contemptuous of, or perhaps ignorant of, her own
state law—all things the McCain campaign is now
discovering only days before the election.
You are voting for John McCain. You are electing
Sarah Palin.
This entire noisy campaign really boils down to
a single issue: the specter of a President Palin.
The probability (moreso than possibility) of
Governor Palin assuming the office of president
is, for me, the single issue of this campaign.
Senator Obama, perhaps loathe to alienate women
voters, won’t state the obvious, but this woman
is wholly unprepared to assume the office of PTA
chairperson, let alone the highest elected
office in the land. This would seem to me, the
obvious top issue. Not the war, not the economy,
but the sheer selfishness of a 72-year old
four-time cancer survivor placing someone second
rate a heartbeat away from the presidency.
That’s it. There are no other issues: I could
never support that ticket. Had McCain gone with
his gut and chosen Joe Lieberman (or, even
smarter, Bobby Jindal, the charismatic 37-year
old Indian American GOP governor of Louisiana
and the Republican's version of Barack Obama),
he’d likely have lost the far-right wing-nut
crowd, but I believe he’d be way out in front.
Lieberman is liked very much on both sides of
the aisle (though his increasingly shrill
anti-Obama rhetoric is costing him dearly). Even
Mitt Romney, who has a kind of Richard Nixon
thing going on with his eyes, would have given
the McCain campaign credibility. Instead, McCain
went instead for sensationalism—and got the
burst of energy he needed. But it was a selfish,
transparently political decision. And, once the
balloons and confetti have been swept up, this
aging man—who, if you look closely, tends to
clench one hand with the other a lot, to perhaps
mask hand tremors, and whose official photos are
all shot from one side of his face—will have
positioned a woman who doesn’t apparently read a
newspaper to assume the presidency. Like it or
not, this sad, ad hoc, mean-spirited, toothless
campaign—the centerpiece of which was Palin's
selection—will be John McCain's legacy. Like an
aging prizefighter, he's stayed in the ring far
too long. His bitter and desperate attacks on
Obama—which is all his rallies are about
anymore—underscore the fall of a giant.
Senator McCain's policy positions and ideas mean
nothing because I doubt Governor Palin, much
like President Bush, even understands them
beyond the most cursory, basic, Cliff Notes
level. The truth is, I know more about McCain's
positions from Obama ads because McCain's ads
are rarely about the candidate's position on
issues. They are, in fact, rarely even about
McCain. McCain's ads are about Barack Obama. The
wrongheadedness of making one candidate's
campaign entirely about the other candidate is
this: Obama's ads were about Obama. McCain's ads
were about Obama. It was All Obama All The Time.
John McCain actually helped embed Obama into the
American zeitgeist, spectacularly proving that
there is, in fact, no such thing as bad
publicity. The selection of Palin completely
undermined McCain's strongest case against
Obama—experience—as Palin is, ironically and
sadly, what McCain's has spent millions of
dollars trying to define Obama as. By making his
argument that Obama is not qualified to lead,
McCain has made that very case against Palin,
McCain's health questions forcing the American
consciousness into a choice between the lesser
of two potential evils, a contest Obama wins
handily. Could Obama beat McCain? Who knows. But
any contest between Obama and Palin is a literal
no-brainer, and that's the contest McCain
created by not selecting a more politically
substantial running mate. I didn't make this
thing about Sarah Palin—McCain did. He ran a
campaign which intended to make this election a
referendum on Barack Obama. By selecting Palin,
McCain made the campaign a referendum on John
Is it possible a President McCain will finish
his term without suffering serious illness? Of
course. But the statistics of his type of skin
cancer suggest otherwise. It is extremely likely
a President McCain will, at the very least, be
forced to undergo grueling and debilitating
treatment at some point during his first term.
Meanwhile, Palin continues to refuse to release
her own medical records, the only of the four
major candidates to do so. Her refusal fuels
ongoing speculation that baby Trig is, in fact,
Palin's grandson and that Palin's daughter is
pregnant for the second time, rumors a release
of Palin's medical records would immediately put
to rest. A young, vibrant woman of 44, the only
reason we can immediately suspect for her
refusal to disclose her medical records is the
fake pregnancy. This is how politically un-smart
this woman is, to either try and hide something
the public will inevitably discover or, even
worse, to fuel public doubt simply by being an
onion. This is not a person I'd want sitting
across a poker table from Vladimir Putin.
The probability of Sarah Palin assuming the powers of the presidency—whether temporarily or succeeding McCain—is quite high. There is, therefore, no other issue for me. That’s it. Under a President Palin, world leaders would run the table, tying this Low Information President in knots as the world suffers global economic and political turmoil because of the soccer mom in the Oval Office. All the rest of the hollering is just noise. No mature, thinking American citizen should be even considering allowing Sarah Palin into that position. And, yet, Palin’s rallies overflow with screaming, adoring fans. Which presents an even scarier problem: the willingness of conservatives to be lied to and taken advantage of.