A bunch of folks jumped on a bus and ran down to Jena to holler and shake their fists, then went home and split to their severely segregated churches and social clusters. This army of the righteous, now returning to their normal lives: how many of them will actually attend the same church on Sunday? With all of this hollering about racial divides and discrimination, we still continue to gloss over the point that Sunday remains the most segregated day of the week for Christians. In many ways, we all live in Jena. Just, perhaps, a more polite version of it.
sure somebody thought it was funny.
Hanging three nooses from the big, shady oak tree behind Jena
High School in Louisiana. The nooses grimly echoing lynching of
black men and women common in those lands for centuries. The
nooses hung there as both a prank against and a warning to black
students—the tree was for whites only, an unwritten but commonly
known rule at Jena High School. Blacks were simply not permitted
to sit under this tree. And when several black students did last
year, the nooses were left as a warning. Sadly, this isn’t some
sad and terrible tale from the dark ages of this country. Not
from the 30’s or even the 50’s. Not from the civil rights heyday
of the 1960’s. This happened last year. And it is a shock to the
system of most black Americans to discover this kind of thing
actually still goes on in this country. Many of us have risen
into the middle class, moved from the hood into plush,
landscaped neighborhoods, many integrated with whites and other
ethnicities. We’re more worried about our property values and
stock portfolios, our kids’ SAT scores and, most certainly, the
president’s sad and ultimately pointless war. Nooses hanging
from a tree at a school our children attend is not something
anyone reading this essay would tolerate under any
circumstances. Heck, I had to look up the *spelling*. I’m not
sure I’ve ever used the word “noose” before. But the black
parents of Jena were asked to tolerate it. Asked to put up with
it, the incident having been dismissed by Jena authorities as a
“prank.” Unthinkably cruel, certainly. Inexcusable and certainly
not to be tolerated, but, boys will be boys, the black parents
were told, and the matter was dismissed.
It was only when a group of black boys got into a schoolyard
fight with white students that Jena authorities chose to take
action. Perhaps seeing the approaching storm of Jena’s racial
divide exploding to consume the town, Jena authorities seemed to
want to get out in front and put a halt to the racial strife
immediately, choosing to make an example of the first perps
they’d get in cuffs. Only, those perps happened to be black.
The commonly known and open secret that the high school’s oak
tree was reserved for whites only was an issue neither the
school nor the Jena authorities bothered to investigate or do
much about. Even though the threats leveled at black students
were clear civil rights violations, and the nooses left at that
scene were, in fact, a hate crime. The schoolyard fight among
boys, however—a rite of passage common to all high schools on
the planet—the authorities took issue with, throwing he book at
six black students, charging them with attempted murder.
Realizing, perhaps, they had an unwinable case, the Jena D.A.
eventually dropped attempted murder charges against all but one
of the students—Mychal Bell—whom, at age 16, they charged as an
adult. A higher court eventually ruled that Bell could not, in
fact, be charged as an adult, and the attempted murder charge
was dismissed. However, Bell, who’d been incarcerated for ten
months without bail awaiting trial, was not released. The
authorities refused to release him, even though his charges had
been dismissed, pending new filings by the Jena D.A. Bail for
Mychal Bell was again denied and, even though he had no charges
against him, this now-17 year old remained behind bars.
And, no, this isn’t some riveting Civil Rights Era tale for us
to doze off to during social studies class. This happened last
Kids are cruel. They just are. I know this from firsthand
experience: kids, in their immaturity, will give voice to the
most venal, most hateful, most terrible thoughts and impulses
human beings are capable of conjuring. While most adults will at
least wait until they are alone or at least among like-minded
idiots to voice hateful things, kids have sloppy impulse control
and an, at best, growing sense of morality. So long as they are
not afraid of getting beaten up, kids will blurt out every
impulsive thought the moment it pops into their head, you’re
fat! And disparage one another with a severity and cruelty
rarely matched by adults.
Which is ironic, considering adults are where they learned that
Last week, thousands of protestors (I’ll assume rallied by The
Reverend Jesse Jackson’s Operation Push among others) descended
on Jena to voice their opposition to the treatment of Mychal
Bell and the five others. This kind of blatant discrimination is
bread and butter for Jackson, The Reverend Al Sharpton and
others, whose well of racial complaint appeared ton have lately
run dry. These men always seem to be within lurching distance of
a podium whenever race-based issues assert themselves. I have
mixed feelings about their line of work, legitimate concerns
about men whose income, fame and prosperity is so linked to the
misery of others, but I also realize this is work that needs to
be done and which can only be done effectively by men and women
of high enough profile to warrant the media’s attention. Thus,
it’s a double-edged sword: we certainly need these reverends,
even if the notion of their profiting from this tends to upset
my digestion.
My larger concern is this, given all the black-white unity we
saw in the marches, all of the cross-cultural investment in this
case we witnessed: what happens after the march is over? I don’t
mean with Michal Bell and the five others, but with the army of
the righteous, now returning to their normal lives? How many of
them will actually attend the same church on Sunday?
With all of this hollering about racial divides and
discrimination, we still continue to gloss over the point that
Sunday remains the most segregated day of the week for
Christians. The largest black church in this town is, perhaps,
half the size of the average white church and one-twentieth—one
twentieth—the size of the major white churches in this town.
Black Christians here have the choice to either attend
struggling, underfunded, tiny churches run, for the most part,
by severely out-of-touch, ego-driven, stubborn and
backwards-facing country Church Folk, or to leave their culture
in the parking lot by attending the white mega-churches, losing
themselves in the throng. Churches which pay lip service to the
notion of inclusion, flying flags of many nations and so forth,
while engaging in the hateful practice of cultural elimination,
blending everyone into one voice—that of the pastor, who is,
inevitably, white.
I have no way of knowing if any of that was addressed by
Reverend Jackson and his allies, but I tend to doubt it was. A
bunch of folks jumped on a bus and ran down to Jena to holler
and shake their fists, then went home and split to their
severely segregated churches and social clusters.
In many ways, we all live in Jena. Just, perhaps, a more polite
version of it. Our impulse control is a bit better, and we give
lip service to tolerance and equality. But, my goodness, we hate
gay people. We look down our noses at broke people. And, Sunday
morning, the vast majority of people in our churches tend to
look like us.
I believe, if we really want to do something for Jena, we can
start by ending the bigotry in our own hearts. We can start
there. Because, until we start dealing with the underlying
problem, all the bus trips in the world one make one bit of
difference. It’s all just glossing over the real problem while
these reverends get a check.
Solving The Problem.
Sometime ago, as a result of the resultant social unrest, they
cut down the offending tree in the Jena schoolyard. Which was
precisely the wrong thing to do and the wrong message to send.
It was just as bad as the busses rushing to Jena, only to have
the riders split off into factions soon as they arrived home.
Cutting the tree down might make a good clip for the six o’clock
news, but it accomplishes nothing. It solves no real problems,
and it doesn’t engage the sinful and evil practice of racial
bias that obviously continues to flourish in Jena. Hatred that
is passed on generationally from parents to children. Which
earmarks the parents of Jena as ignorant, immature, lost and,
ultimately, selfish people who insist on passing this poison on
to their children, keeping hate alive in this country.
And they’re not alone. Everybody seems to be exploiting this
place, exploiting these kids. The parents, the school, the cops,
the Klan—white supremacists now threatening the families of the
Jena 6—Reverend Al. Everybody wants a piece of Jena all of a
sudden. When all that really needed to happen was to let the
kids work it out for themselves. A white kid got jumped. And,
yes, that was bad. But it was also, in my opinion, well deserved
and probably long overdue. And there were a few more butt
whuppin’s that needed to happen as well. In my experience, once
the racist bastards realize you’re not afraid of them, they tend
to fold up like girl scouts caught in the rain.
I’m not saying beating up the offenders is the answer. I’m
saying this is what happens when kids are mean to other kids.
Sooner or later, somebody’s getting whupped. And, maybe, if
everybody else had stayed out of it, a better result might have
happened: black kids and* white kids hanging out under the tree.
Instead, we have elevated threats and thousands marching and all
of this noise. Reverend Al and Reverend Jesse all over CNN. And
nothing getting solved, the wounds only going deeper, the
disparate parties only becoming even more polarized in their
positions. And nobody, the reverends least of all, are behaving
anything even remotely like Jesus. As with the Don Imus mess,
the reverends have, once again, apparently forgotten they arte
Christians, preferring instead to exploit every opportunity to
get themselves on TV instead of advocating real and lasting
solutions to deeply entrenched problems.
Everybody here is acting quite selfishly. I wish we’d all have
stayed out of it, instead letting the kids solve their own
problems and design solutions that might have led this backwards
little hick town out of the stone age. Instead, everybody’s
making a mess, causing everybody to dig in deeper.
Which is why I miss Dr. King so much. He was infinitely smarter
than either Jackson or Sharpton, and far less selfish. His
standard was the personal example of Jesus Christ, and he was
more invested in finding solutions than in his taking credit for
Boy, could we really use a guy like that in Jena.
Christopher J. Priest
23 September 2007