Obama, Nobel and Us

Barack Obama is the first president of the United States to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and not have the nation celebrate him. Instead we gasped. We fumed. We debated. We complained. My what idiots we are. In the year preceding his election, both as candidate and president, Barack Obama had done more to advance the goals of global peace than any living human being. I know this sounds preposterous to many of us, but it is nonetheless true: Barack Obama has changed the world. He has changed the way the world sees America and thus has changed the world. And it is precisely that seismic event, that massive shift in America’s face and therefore the global environment, that Nobel recognized in 2009. The only reason we gasped is that we are ignorant. The world must think us idiots not to congratulate our own president and, worse, for not seeing past our own porch steps to understand the impact our president is having on this planet. Our cynicism presumes they awarded Obama the Nobel for being the president, which is not true. They gave him the Nobel for being Obama. For resonating an unambiguous positive message of hope and change, and for eliminating America’s growing narcissist arrogance virtually overnight and, in so doing, making the world a better and demonstrably safer place.

Barack Obama became so popular in 2007-2008 that white religious conservatives began floating the idea that Obama was the antichrist. No, I’m not making this stuff up. Then they said he was un-American because of an out-of-context rhetorical flourish from Obama’s former pastor, The Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Now they’ve more or less settled into insisting—based upon absolute no evidence—that Obama is a Muslim, a paranoia an alarming percentage of white America subscribes to (I’m not being racial: only white people believe this).

Barack Obama is a uniquely impressive human being. Most of us see him only in a political context and are incapable of evaluating his humanity as opposed to his political worth. Absent that political context, the outside world both sees, acknowledges, and, as with Nobel, rewards Obama’s humanity, his place among other human beings on this planet. And many if not most of the world think we are fools to exhaust ourselves, as we do, trying to malign him. Someone should tally up how many millions—if not billions—of dollars have been spent in an effort to political destroy Barack Obama and impugn his name. Then we should wonder, as I’m sure the world does, how much humanitarian good could have been done with that money instead. What concerns me the most about the election is the future of our nation is in the hands of the least informed and, in many cases, the most paranoid. This is as it always was. We are divided tribally such that some people will vote for the president because he’s black, some will vote against him because he’s black, some will invent reasons to oppose the president and support Romney—whom they neither like nor trust, who is already abandoning their values and flip-flopping yet again—just to avoid dealing with their own racism.

Both candidates having made their case, no reasonably informed, thinking person could earnestly choose Mitt Romney on any other basis than an irrational hatred of the president. Mitt Romney has changed positions on virtually every issue, and is, even now, changing yet again—re-embracing universal health care, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform, gay rights and other issues he’s vehemently opposed during his primary run. As I promised he would, Romney has thrown the ignorant, racist, homophobic rabid, lunatic right-wing mouth breathers who reluctantly nominated him under the bus. He is screwing them, just as I said he would. And they’re saying nothing. Why? Because they hate the president just that much.

The elevation of Mitt Romney is the ultimate manifestation of that lie: people who hate this president so much that they’ll vote for anybody—even a proven, unprincipled, flip-flopping liar like Romney whose positions on the issues they cannot trust. But Romney’s positions don’t matter. Nobody is voting for Romney, anyway. They’re voting against Obama.

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If you don’t show up, these deeply wounded, irrational people are going to replace our president with an empty suit. These are the facts. Has nothing to do with Romney’s race or his religion or any of that. It has to do with video tape. With a few clicks on YouTube, you can see for yourself this man has absolutely no principles and no character. But he will become the next president of the United States unless you do something about it.

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