AMA Recommends
Jesus Doesn't Need A Flatscreen
A bunch of folks wolfed down Thanksgiving dinner and then
raced to stand in the freezing cold outside local retailers
across the country in order to push and shove their way inside,
in many cases trampling others, to spend money a lot of them
can’t afford to buy things they don't need for themselves and
their families, presumably in celebration of the birth of
Christ. This is The Idiot’s Mindset that has set in here in
America, the land of
Idiots Who Watch Too Much TV. For, if we didn’t watch so much TV, we might not even be aware of these “doorbuster” sales. We certainly would not know or care who Justin Beiber or Kanye West was. We would have little idea what an iPhone was
or why we’d even want one.
Now that I no longer watch TV, having disconnected my cable
about four years ago, I find myself increasingly at odds
with the ridiculous insanity of “everyday” life and the
frightening reality of the influence TV has on the American
public. We watch too much TV. I don’t know many people who
watch TV and then say, “No, I won’t do that,” or, “No, I
won’t accept that idea.” What I see are parents who allow TV
and the Internet to raise their kids. And I know God-fearing
“Christians” who wolf down Thanksgiving dinner to rush down
to Best Buy to push and shove their way to get a bargain
price on a new flatscreen they don’t even need. They already
have at least two. Increasingly, I’m seeing these
room-devouring giant screens in living rooms, in basements,
even in bedrooms. A 52-inch flatscreen in your bedroom just
marks you as someone desperate for external validation. It’s
as if you have something to prove: I have a big TV. A status
symbol. How impressive.
We can’t go even ten minutes without the TV on, somewhere if
not everywhere in the house. We are bombarded with
commercials that pique our desire and shape our behavior,
moving us to ridiculous extremes. But we don’t realize what
we are doing is ridiculous because it all seems normal. Why?
Because we saw it on TV.
I am no fan of Thanksgiving. Or Christmas. Gift-giving has
nothing to do with the birth of Christ or the bible. In the
biblical model,
gifts were given to Jesus.
Jesus doesn't need a flatscreen.
What are we giving Jesus? How have we sought to please Him?
If we spent even one-tenth
of the time, energy, and money we
waste planning this godless and ridiculous Christmas shopping
actually doing something for the Lord, in His name, we could
revolutionize this planet.
AMA Recommends
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