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No. 385 Nov 25th, 2012
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Our Sunday Worship Becoming Escapism
As I write this, Israel and Hamas, the ruling political party of the Palestinian people, have been shooting at each other for three days. The conflict threatens to provoke a wider war. I’m quite sure white pastors across the country will invest their Sunday sermons with talk of Armageddon and why we must back Israel unconditionally. Many black pastors may do this as well, but my experience has been Sunday, for us, has devolved through the generations from a War Room combat briefing to purer escapism, with fairly little in the way of current events finding its way into the pastor’s sermons or pulpit remarks. Maybe your black pastor is more progressive than what I’ve been seeing, but, around here, anyway, my sense of it is these gentlemen don’t keep themselves well-informed about much outside of the city limits. Most of my Church Folk friends have only some vague notion of something going on “over there,” but can discuss, in exhausting detail, what's been happening on The Voice.
This is what fascinates me so much about our Sunday morning racial divide: how invested many white churches are in what’s going on around them and how disconnected most black churches I know are. We seem invested in escapism: putting on our little show, a refuge from the world as we strap on our blinders and crank up the Hammond B3. But, beloved, the Church—God’s Church—was never meant to be a place of escapism, but a community of investment in each other’s lives. It’s not to be this place where we come and we’re entertained, but a place where our drained batteries are recharged: where we are refilled, reformed, and rededicated. I doubt there are six black churches where the ongoing tragic conflict will even be mentioned, Sunday, while I’m confident every single white church in town will at least mention it, some with color slides and informative details of what’s going on and why it matters. Many white churches across the nation will add color slides of the bombing along with scary sound and lighting effects and talk of Armageddon. That's fringe thinking.
This is not Armageddon. This is a conflict old as the Bible itself, and one that likely will not find resolution before our Lord’s return. In the meantime, white evangelicals will be signing petitions and donating money for no useful purpose, while us black Church Folks will be, essentially, at the movies, dancing and hollering, sweating through our wigs and clothes, enjoying our little show and clueless about what’s going on in the world around us.
House Democrats Defend Susan Rice
Graham: “Not Christians’ Fault” Obama Won
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