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No. 384 Nov 18th, 2012
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Obama Pulls Off A Squeaker
President Barack Obama won Florida Saturday by a hair’s breadth .9% margin, just .4% higher than Florida’s .5% margin which triggers an automatic recount. it's worth noting the president's razor-thin win, beating former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney by a scant 74,000 votes, is a virtual landslide when compared to the U.S. Supreme Court's having awarded a Florida win to then-Governor George W. Bush for his impossibly-close 587-vote margin over then-Vice President Al Gore. Republicans having fits over President Obama's tight wins in Florida and Ohio need only to look to the year 2000. The Florida win brings the president’s Electoral College vote count to a commanding 332 votes to former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s 206. However, this is the basic flaw of the Electoral College: it helps even the playing field so that California, for example, doesn’t choose every president, as that state might if the nation did away with the electoral College and instead elected the president directly by majority votes. But the college presents a distorted view of the election, presuming the president a decisive victory when, in fact, the president’s win was anything but. It was a tactical and strategically brilliant win, the president’s campaign focusing on the Electoral College math instead of the popular votes; in other words, they weren’t so concerned with racking up high percentages in political polls or even massive numbers of votes, but instead concentrated on *just enough* votes to win in key counties in the so-called “swing” states. The Romney campaign, by all accounts, ran a more traditional campaign, riding the wave of irrational resentment and personal loathing of President Obama to artificial waves of energized Romney votes—an unstoppable army of hate thundering down to the polls Tuesday to oust Obama. The devastating and decisive loss hit the Romney campaign like a punch in the face. They were absolutely stunned to disbelief. Legendary political strategist Karl Rove, live on Fox News, stammered incoherently as Fox skid to a halt, in complete denial of what had just happened. An uppercut from nowhere shattered the jaw of the outdated political party of Grandpas and Angry White Men, dropping them all to the canvas before most of America had made their way through their first bowl of Doritos watching election coverage. And everyone, both friend and foe, blinked, the blinked again, wondering, “How could this be possible?” I’d assumed I’d be up all night, wearing out the carpet while my phone blew up. But, no, there it was, relatively early into the evening: forget Florida, it was over. The looming threat of a brilliant and compassionate chief executive being replaced by a soulless Chef Boyardeé was over. As it turns out, the president had it wired. The strategy was so fine-tuned, so well-planned, most people who understood the math knew, Sunday evening, that Mitt Romney would lose. But, make no mistake about it: the president won in a squeaker. He won by a couple points here, a couple points there. The nation remains divided, Capitol Hill remains gridlocked, the fiscal cliff is looming, and nobody is putting out any concrete ideas on what to do next. The only actual good news is we have a president voted in by people who wanted him, as opposed to a president voted in by people who settled for him. This nation deserves better than a president people voted for out of protest to the other guy. I praise God that’s what we have.
What The Election Says About Us
Supreme Court To Revisit Voting Rights Act
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