Today, many Christian men blame Eve for the spiritual fall of
I say that Eve messed up big time, but all Adam had to
do was “Just Say No.” Men cast stones at Eve for being deceived
by Satan and say that Eve was the weaker vessel. If Eve was the
weaker vessel for being deceived by the shrewdest of all the
creatures the Lord God had made, then that makes Adam the
weakest vessel for being deceived by his own biological urges.
If Eve were trying to usurp the authority of Adam, she wouldn't
have offered him a bite of the fruit. She would have kept the
wisdom and power exclusively. Eve was not trying to usurp the
authority of Adam, Eve was trying to usurp the authority of God.
We call it “Whooped.” Adam emanates an eloquent genius in the earlier part of Genesis
as he lays the groundwork for the duties of a husband. The
brotha had potential! However, the next time Adam speaks in
Genesis, he's blaming God for giving him Eve. The problem was
that the genius Adam so profoundly uttered in Gen 2:24 focused
on the physical part of cleaving and not the emotional part of
cleaving. Adam was so excited about finally being united
sexually with a partner that was made exclusively for him, he
forgot about showing Eve love, care, and attention. Adam did not
demonstrate the difference between love and lust. He was more
concerned about the physical cleaving instead of the
intellectual giving, receiving, joining and responding. When Eve
was deceived, Adam did not cleave to her emotionally, instead he
was concerned about his own flesh. He blamed Eve and started the
notion that the woman, and, by extension, all women, are the
blame for the fall of humankind. The blame game begins with Adam
and continues with the Apostle Paul. In his first letter to his
disciple Timothy, Paul explains it this way:
“For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived,
but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression...”
Adam was not deceived? Think again. When I read 1 Tim 2:11-14,
knowing what happened in Genesis chapter three, I conclude that
the Apostle Paul was either smoking crack or he had a different
definition for the word “deceived.” This reminds me when
President Bill Clinton was facing perjury charges by the grand
jury and a prosecutor asked whether his lawyer's statement
“There is no sex of any kind, in any manner, shape or form with
President Clinton,” was false, the President infamously
responded that “It depends upon what the meaning of the word
'is' is.” When asked about the impression that he gave in the
Paula Jones deposition that he was never alone with Monica
Lewinski, he replied that, “It depends on how you define
Of course, the Apostle Paul was not smoking crack, so what does
Paul mean by the word “deceived?” The Greek translation is apato,
which means to cheat, i.e., delude. The dictionary says that to
be deceived is to make someone believe what is false. Paul says
that the woman was deceived but Adam was not. Is Paul trying to
say that Adam was too superior or intelligent to have been
deceived by Satan but the dumb woman was? Let's look at the
evidence that Paul presents showing that Adam did not believe
eating the fruit would open his eyes? There is none. Paul does
explain, however, that Adam was instead disobedient. Wow, that's
a lot better than being deceived— not. Bottom line, only God
knows whether Satan beguiled Adam.
Since Paul says that Adam was not deceived, perhaps Adam was experiencing PTS (Pre-testosterone Syndrome). PTS is much like PMS except PTS is when men get stubborn and moody when they are not getting enough sex or they think they will miss out on getting sex. In other words, maybe Adam was experiencing a testosterone thang? For example, you've heard jokes about men driving around lost, too stubborn to stop and ask for directions because they don't want to admit that they are lost. Women, on the other hand, will stop and ask for directions. Was Adam's testosterone kicking in, making him too stubborn to admit that he was also beguiled? I think so.