just saw one of the most ridiculous movies
I’ve ever seen. Olympus Has Fallen, starring Gerard Butler, is
a film that is only exciting if you know absolutely nothing
about global politics, nuclear missiles, or, say, math.
As usual, Hollywood spared no expense on blood squibs and body
count (this is a terribly violent movie but, given the subject
matter—the takeover of the White House—it would really have to
be). The special effects are off the chain. Action sequences
amazing without being outright preposterous. Cinematography
pristine, music and sound without par. But, as usual, they
either forgot to buy a script or, as Hollywood tends to do,
edited the script by committee until it was dead on arrival. The
story is so cliché-ridden that you can easily predict each and
every scene, each and every plot twist, before it happens. To be
fair, you could do that, for the most part, with Die Hard as
well. But, as preposterous as it was, Die Hard had one thing
Olympus (Die Hard In The White House) did not: it had Bruce
Willis. Not that Willis is a great actor (he is certainly not),
but Willis is a great star. He has star quality. He is
incredibly watchable. He’s in on the joke, “Relax, folks, it’s
only a movie.” Olympus, on the other hand, takes itself way too
seriously. Gerard Butler, with his concrete jaw, is near
completely void of humor except for a cringe inducing final
moment before the end credits where, as you likely would
predict, the rescued president pauses outside of the ruined
White House and makes a pun to his Secret Service rescuer. Mind
you, the White House steps and lawn are littered, at that
moment, with the corpses of hundreds of dead Secret Service and
Capital Police officers. For all its alleged seriousness,
director Antoine Fuqua (Training Day) could not resist one last
cliché: the clever comment as the hero walks off into the sunset
or dawn. Morgan Freeman and the luminous Angela Bassett are
completely wasted in this film which spends the entirety of its
second act with two parties sitting in disparate rooms talking,
you guessed it, through a viewscreen. There is always a
viewscreen. High-def, with the sneering villain uttering clever
threats as both groups fret and push buttons. Nine dollars,
please. Oh, and there is a Spunky Kid. There’s always a Spunky
Kid whose ingenuity and genius helps save the day.
I mention
Olympus because its basic plot—an inexplicably huge
and well-financed “splinter group” from North Korea takes the
U.S. president hostage in order to force him to withdraw U.S.
forces from the Korean peninsula—ironically mirrors this
winter’s latest global tummy ache over the actual North Korea.
Every year about this time, the U,S, and South Korea engage in
joint military exercises while, every year about this time,
North Korea has a temper tantrum and threatens us all with
nuclear annihilation. It is a threat the U.S. typically doesn’t
take seriously, mainly because the global consensus is North
Korea is usually staging these antics for the benefit of their
own people. This time is a bit different, however. The new plot
twists: (1) South Korea’s new, tough, conservative Woman
President, Park Geun-hye, is clearly fed up with North Korea’s
bullying and the U.S.’s traditional demands for restraint on the
part of the South, even when North Korea has bombed unarmed
fishing villages full of peasants who mean no one any harm. (2)
The new U.S. President, Barack Obama, is a completely different
fish from any who have come before him. Neither bellicose nor
jingoistic, Obama is a cagey and inscrutable type who seems bent
on breaking political and diplomatic patterns that have
polarized U.S. foreign and domestic policy. He’s been met with
wall after wall of resistance, and his successes (like Obamacare
and now entitlement reform and gun safety) have been fairly
half-a-loaf. What most people miss is, any success, no matter
how incremental, is another crack in the wall of
In terms of North Korea, how-we’ve-always-done-it has worked like this: North Korea, for reasons absolutely no one can fathom, suddenly gets upset and threatens retaliation and revenge. “Revenge?” Nobody’s doing anything to North Korea. Nobody is bombing them, nobody is threatening them. The moronic, syphilis-infected leader seems to just wake up one morning and threaten war on, well, everybody. To keep peace in the region, the U.S. usually writes them a big check, and the threat is resolved. Not this time. Unless he’s talking out of his hat, Barack Obama does not seem inclined to continue the sad legacy of appeasing despots with U.S. cash. This is the real crux of the real crisis with North Korea: a U.S. president calling North Korea’s bluff.