Jubilation is a Grammy®-winning, culturally mixed community choir based in Newark, NJ. The group is committed to singing African American sacred music with an emphasis on Gospel. Jubilation's creative director, The Reverend Stefanie R. Minatee ("Rev. Stef"), is a critically acclaimed composer and arranger who has written and arranged music for Ray Charles, Dorothy Norwood, The Savannah Community Choir and others. The choir has shared the stage with Isaac Hayes, Michael Bolton, Darlene Love, Shirley Caesar, Walter Hawkins, Cissy Houston, Donnie McClurkin, Kurt Carr, Tremaine Hawkins and many more, seeking to be ambassadors for Christ in every opportunity of ministry.
me, there was a heavy sigh of relief at the first
notes of A Jubilation Christmas. This, as was the ambitious
Out Project, is music for grown-ups. I have reluctantly accepted
the fact that I am, in fact, a grown-up and therefore
increasingly harder to musically satisfy as the years rack up
behind me. I have, in fact, stopped listening to new Gospel
releases altogether as far too much of it sounds like bad
rip-offs of better commercial music or, worse, bad rip-offs of
better Gospel music I already own. The trend seems to be to
mimic the “worldly” hippity-hoppity booty-shaking mess, a
practice many Christian musicians misguidedly believe is some
sort of victory over Satan; as though publishing Christian
pornography would somehow glorify God. Secular music has become
so unimaginably gross and so terribly destructive, most
especially to minority youth, that echoing that sound in any way
suggests the “Christian” artist has immersed himself in
it--cussing, drug use, misogyny and all--sufficiently to be able
to credibly replicate that sound “in the name of Jesus.” Which
suggests it's all right for Christian youth to listen to Lil’
Wayne, whose disgusting, violent and pornographic “art”
blasphemes God in every imaginable way. Propagating the sound,
even with “Christian” rap, glorifies the sound and, worse,
validates the heinous filth far too many misguided Christian
parents are allowing into the lives of their children. Such
parents are idiots. Such Christian artists are either idiots or
liars, claiming Christ but just out to make a buck. Either way,
no thanks.
The other sadly notable trend in Gospel music is to stop making
Gospel music. Black Gospel artists are increasingly following
Kurt Carr and Israel Houghton’s lead and putting out
Contemporary Christian music, or CCM, pandering not to the
street filth of hip-hop but to the white shoes of Evangelicals.
I can hardly blame them. There is huge money to be made off of
the white folk, and, to my experience, black Church Folk think
absolutely nothing of pumping out copies of CDs for their
friends or downloading bootlegs of feature films and burning
DVDs for everybody. I have, to date, not once heard a black
pastor preach against this practice. I have absolutely no
empirical data to back my suspicion, but this is it: I believe
white Christians buy more music than black Christians, who burn
CDRs for one another, download it from illegal sites or find
other end-arounds to actually purchasing a CD. There is,
therefore, way more money for Kurt Carr over there with the
white folk than among his own, so why not abandon the classic
blues-jazz that is uniquely our own to make more banjo music?
The Reverend Dr. Stefanie R. Minatee takes no such shortcuts on
A Jubilation Christmas. Thank God. No hippity-hoppity, no
pretenses to not being what they are: a Gospel choir in the
traditional African American mold. Dr. Minatee and friends don’t
insult my intelligence while seeking to minister during the most
over-hyped and commercialized season of the year.
Rev. C. Priest: Why A Christmas album? Do Christmas records sell anymore?
Rev. Dr. Stefanie R. Minatee:
This Christmas CD was a long time coming. Each year patrons
ask us if we have a CD of the music we sing for the holidays and
for a long time we had to say no. This year is different and the
CD was recorded because of popular demand. Because so many have
asked for it, I believe it will do well.
What is Rev. Stef’s Christmas
like? Is Christmas still magic for you?
I LOVE Christmas!! Most of my family is gone now and I miss
them sooo much, but I love Christmas and look forward to
celebrating. The joy of it all and bringing smiles to the faces
of people is exciting to me!
This is an independent release,
with what appears to be a group of investors listed as executive
producers. What’s the story behind that? Would it have been
simpler to work with a label? What are the benefits of raising
the capital to work independently?
Although we have relationship with Habakkuk records, we
decided to do this independently. Because of social media, there
is a great opportunity for independent artists. We are BLESSED
with friends (old and new) who love our ministry and wanted to
sow into the project. It was all God-ordained and I am grateful.
Is the strategy behind A Jubilation Christmas to cross over to
mainstream charts? Should we think of this as a worship album or
a secular holiday album or both? Can it be both?
No, definitely not! This CD is a holiday project and there is
worship on the tracks. Some of the songs may cross over, but it
was not done by design.
Can you share a little about the recording process? When was
this recorded? Was it mostly fun or mostly work? You seem to
still have a great deal of joy about the creative process.
We started the process this past summer. It was strange working
on Christmas music in May, but I enjoyed every moment and worked
hard to make sure we were presenting our best. There are always
things I wish I could have done better, but for the most part I
think we have something we can be proud of.
I love your writing. Why the choice to include mostly covers of
traditional Christmas songs rather than develop originals?
In my opinion, folks love to hear the traditional carols during
the holidays. I’m a traditionalist and at Christmas I want to
hear Christmas music I am familiar with.
Okay, let’s get right to it: Why Rudolph? Seriously: many
Christians will not appreciate the inclusion of Santa and so
forth. Why this choice?
Here’s the story behind Rudolph: We had the opportunity to
record with the late great Ray Charles some years back. In fact,
we were the last choir to record with him before he passed away.
We accompanied him on Rudolph during that session and I fell in
love with the arrangement. I think it’s one of the best
arrangements of the song I’ve ever heard, so I wanted to do it
on our project. I also wanted to pay tribute to Ray Charles, so
we recorded it in his memory. I miss Ray very much and working
with him was an experience I will never forget!