Old Rich White Men
The Financial Crisis
Universal Truths
There are some universal truths about America today: (1) the
overwhelming number of people railing against health care reform
are white. (2) The overwhelming number of white people railing
against health care reform already have health insurance. (3)
The majority of those people skew older and may, in fact,
already on government-managed health care—Medicare. (4) The
majority of that group eagerly await their government check
every month while railing against “gifts”—government checks and
services granted to minorities. (5) My guess: the vast majority
of this overall group are low-information voters, skewing older,
who fear change and, more specifically, black people and, even
more specifically, black males. (6) The vast majority of this
overall group have no black friends, no entre into black or
Latino culture, and therefore no reasonable understanding of
those cultures. And thus, in my (and many
others’) informed opinion: (7) the health care debate is merely
a proxy for racism: not all white people, but this particular
group of low-information and older folks resent giving their
hard-earned money to black people on welfare and free riders now
getting free health care.
Believe it or not, I actually understand that. I resent sending
my money so Washington can cut checks for the above group of
people as much as they resent the assumption that I am somehow
benefitting from their paychecks. I’m not. I never have. I’ve
never been on government assistance. During my childhood, raised
by a single mother struggling with two and sometimes three jobs,
we spent winters in the cold because our furnace had broken
down. We had no food, no heat, sometimes no electricity. My
father lived in the same city, maybe twelve miles away, and he
never came to see about us, never sent a dime. When she couldn’t
afford a babysitter, my mom would drag my sister and I to work
with her, sometimes standing out on street corners later at
night in waist-high snow waiting for a bus that wasn’t coming.
My mother never applied for welfare. Taught us to never take a
handout. There was dignity in work. When I hear white people—and
I’m not being racist, here, but this is a true statement: I am
talking about white people—grousing about lazy blacks on
welfare, I tend to agree with them. I’m just as resentful about
lazy blacks on welfare. This is a concept many whites I’ve known
cannot seem to grasp: black people are not monolithic. Like
whites, we are a plurality. We’re individuals, each with his own
worldview and set of ethics. I can’t stand lazy blacks any more
than whites do. But blacks, like Latinos and other ethics
groups—including Jews and Italians—are often painted with a
broad and unfair brush.
When I hear grumpy, Old Rich white Men spewing their racist dog
whistles about blacks enjoying “gifts” from the government, I
wonder “What gifts? Where’s my gift? Where was the gift to my
mother, to my sister?” When I encounter racism in my own town,
on my own street, I am resentful because nine if not ten out of
ten times these people don’t know what they are talking about.
I’ve never taken even one dime from you, you old bat. If
anything, I’ve struggled and scraped and worked hard to pay into
the system that sends you a check every month. But this is what
racists do: look at me like I’m taking money from them, when it
is, in fact, just the opposite. Where’s my gift?
Renaissance Man: Questions of competency coming from the man who brought us Sarah Palin.
Showing Up
The other universal truth, one most of the above-described group
simply do not understand: (8) the leaders they elect and
constantly re-elect, these Old Rich White Men playing games with
American lives and the very future of this nation, think their
supporters are
idiots. Old Rich White Men have no concept of what the actual
daily struggle of American life is. They posture and bang on
lecterns and echo the reactionary and unreasonable whining of
their shrinking constituency, but the truth—as aptly
demonstrated by Mitt Romney’s “47 Percent” hidden video—is they
have contempt for Americans if not for America herself. They say
what they need to say to keep their low-information, ignorant,
fearful, racist supporters voting for them, but these guys don’t
care about middle-class whites any more than they care about
blacks of any economic status. A guy like Arizona Senator John
McCain, who can’t remember how many houses he owns, or former
Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, who thinks his wife drives
“a couple of Cadillacs” and needs an elevator in his garage to
manage his many cars, has no idea what these folks’ struggle is
about. He is pandering. He is lying. And, every two and six
years, these white folk shuffle down to the polls and re-elect
these relics. Hispanics, young people, black people aren’t
keeping dinosaurs like Lindsey Graham in office. Their bread and
butter are low-information whites, mostly older whites, who will
show up in the off-year elections.
Young people and minorities are only now discovering their power
and their voice at the polls, but have yet to realize voting for
their Congressman is easily as important as voting for the
president. You can’t just show up every four years and vote for
the president. But most of us slept through high school social
studies and don’t realize the president is not God Almighty. He
needs a cooperative legislature in order to accomplish anything.
That’s what was so insane about minorities like Tavis Smiley and
Dr. Cornel West running around bad-mouthing the president. The
problem wasn’t the president so much as our voter-education
efforts rallied the masses for the president without emphasizing
how vitally important it is to also vote in a reasonable and
cooperative legislature so the president can actually achieve
Who shows up to vote for the legislature? These folk. And they
send these creaking ancient dinosaurs back again and again,
these Old Rich White Men living in the past as they do. These
stubborn, hate-filled, out-of-touch and, yes, evil men who care
absolutely nothing about “The American People.” Their actions
are clearly and evidently self-serving. And they think the
people who vote for them are idiots. In fact, they know it.
And this is where we are: stuck in this malaise of ignorance, fear and assumption. Blacks assuming things about whites, whites
assuming things about blacks, and all of us being held hostage
to Old Rich White Men in Washington who hate the president
because he is black. It is so patently obvious—racism being
obvious to everyone except the racists. The entire
nation, including the good, honest, hard-working white people
these evil (yes, evil) men claim to serve, is being harmed by
their steadfast agenda of, first, denying the president a second
term and, having failed that, now to mortally wound his second
term before it even begins. This is their obvious agenda. They
are looking for a fight, for any excuse whatsoever, to kneecap
President Obama, and they are willing to destroy America just so
they can blame the president for it.
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