No. 389  |  Dec 23, 2012   Intro   START   Study   Lincoln   'Tis The Season   This Christmas   PraiseNet Holiday Essentials   Donate   Previous

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Christmas Myth
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DC Gridlock
The Age of Obama


Today, pastors all over the country struggled
to make sense out of the mindless slaughter of innocent children. Six and seven-year olds, some of whom haven’t yet learned how to whistle or ride a bike, to whom basic arithmetic and penmanship is a major challenge and for whom life is a great and broad frontier. There simply are no words of comfort for the dozens of grieving parents and the millions more, around the country, for whom this event is an effective weapon of terror. One can scarcely imagine the level of depravity required to commit this act, but the source of that evil is as close as your video store or movie theater.

Beyond the obvious psychosis involved, the common link between this rash of unthinkable violence is obviously violent video games. These unhinged, psychotic individuals are obviously living out dark fantasies and racking up score points with the number of hits and kills. Violent video games encourage mass-homicide fantasies, complete with heinously explicit displays of exploding carcasses, viscera spilling out, which has served to desensitize an entire generation of youth to the meaning and value of human life. Additionally, from what we are learning, this individual’s family knew, for a fact, the young man had emotional and behavioral problems but still kept guns in the house. Why? How many times, seriously, have you had to defend yourself from an attack in your own home? I’m 51 years old, and this has *never* happened to me. Why do I need a gun, let along several guns? Why did this suburban mom need an assault rifle? Why would she keep those guns in a household she knowingly shared with a disturbed person? This country’s romanticism with guns and gun violence is completely out of hand. You go to the movies and all you see are these huge, 12-foot stand-ups of film promos featuring glamorous stars brandishing weapons. It’s all that excites young people and teens, who are the film industry’s main audience. And so, here we are, on a week where we’d all much rather be reflecting on the upcoming holiday, dealing instead in blood and tears. Not because of some maniac, but because of us, because of what we have allowed our culture to become. And, sadly, this is likely only the beginning as even more unhinged individuals seek to one-up the last massacre. Our heartfelt prayers go out to the victims and their families. The Lord bless and keep the little angels among us.


Susan Rice Pulls Out of State

To explain why U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice pulled out of consideration for the secretary of state post, it’s important to remember this: A president only gets a finite number of fights with Congress, especially in the first year of a second term (which may be the last BIG year a president can win fights with Congress). Appointing Rice as secretary of state was going to be a fight, no doubt about it. Sometimes the path of least resistance is the smart play. And Rice made that very point in her interview on “Rock Center” with NBC’s Brian Williams: “I didn't want to see a confirmation process that was very prolonged -- very politicized, very distracting, and very disruptive. Because there are so many things we need to get done as a country.” Remember, Obama and his team have always been pragmatists, though that pragmatism also brings criticism like this Buzzfeed piece entitled, “Obama Shows Weakness, Again:”
     "Susan Rice is essentially a repeat of Gitmo in 2009," a former Obama administration official emailed moments after Susan Rice withdrew her name for secretary of state Thursday afternoon. "You have to give up on her because the politics are so bad that the White House thinks it can't win. But the politics are so bad because they spent too long not fighting for it and instead just watching things get worse. Self-fulfilling."   READ FULL ARTICLE

Editor's Note: (1) Rice was never explicitly Obama's first choice and, (2) nominating someone for a post as important as secretary of sate just to win a political fight with John McCain would make the president look as stupid and transparently self-serving as McCain does.   READ FULL ARTICLE

The Media Will Quickly Forget About Guns

Within hours of the murder Friday of 26 schoolchildren, staff and a principal in Newtown, Conn., the political debate had been joined. President Obama, speaking through tears, called for “meaningful action” to prevent future horrors like the one witnessed at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Advocates of gun control have demanded new legislation, and now.
     The challenges for gun control proponents are formidable. There is the influence of the gun lobby on Capitol Hill. And in particular, a public that in recent years has not only grown less supportive of more gun restrictions, at least in the abstract, but also doesn’t care about the issue. In a post-election Gallup survey, fewer than one-half of one percent of Americans said that guns were the nation’s “most important problem.”
     One reason the issue lacks salience is that citizens tend to take their cues from the media. When news outlets devote significant attention to an issue – health care or national security, for example – the public comes to view those problems as pressing. With the deluge of economic news over the last year, it’s no surprise that 64 percent of the Gallup respondents said the economy was the nation’s most important problem.
     But as Brad Plumer and Dylan Byers have pointed out, news coverage of gun control is rare and particularly sporadic, even in the aftermath of widely publicized mass shootings. And that makes the prospects for a renewed public debate over gun control dim, although not extinguished entirely.  READ FULL ARTICLE


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