15 Years Later: Biggie Smalls Autopsy Report
The Bad News Behind the Good Jobs Numbers
Life On The Moon
I’d once posted the trailer to the film Precious
on a church’s website, only to be told to take it down
because somebody complained that the
trailer includes use of the word “ass,” a word that appears 87 times in
the King James Version of the Holy Bible. But someone complained to the
pastor and the pastor sent word through his chain of command to have the
trailer removed. This is, of course, the height of ignorance on several
levels. Precious, posted this week as part of our
Mean Girl
essay, is one of the most profound and disturbingly truthful films in
modern history. The film examines core values of our African American
overwhelming good of this film, in its truthfulness,
include an at-times uncomfortably literal por-trayal of our
human condition which, unless you live on the Moon, includes
profanity. Second, of all the profane words we can get all high
and mighty about, the word “ass” has to rank well below far more
objectionable terms. What disturbed me most about the removal
request was the pastor’s failure to lead. I know far too many
pastors who do not lead, who are intimidated by or fearful of
their church members and overly concerned with the possibility
of losing even one tithe-paying family. I am convinced this
pastor, like so many others I know, acted without even giving
the matter much thought. I have serious doubts this pastor, at
the time, was much aware of Precious or, if he was aware of the
film, had not much of an opinion about it one way or the other.
Pastors tend to fall into two major categories of busy men who
tend to swat away gnats (small issues just don’t warrant much,
if any, of their attention) and guys who keep a set of golf
clubs in their car trunk. Grab the keys one day and go take a
look: if there is a set of golf clubs perpetually stored in the
trunk of your pastor’s car, he frankly doesn’t have enough to
do. I am convinced this is a case of the former, this “ass”
business being a gnat the pastor shooed away without thinking
and, thus, failing his congregation by being led by them instead
of leading. I am quite certain whomever complained about the
word uses it herself on a regular basis. I assure you,
absolutely no one was offended by the word, we Church Folk just
like to climb atop our high horse and embrace this ridiculous,
phony, Life On The Moon standard of purity that we ourselves do
not actually live.
Booting the trailer off the website missed the forest for the trees and missed it by miles and miles. It was a capitulation to Church Folk Mess, a victory for one small-minded woman trapped in her insane Snow Globe of righteousness, while failing to help publicize a film many of us had to drive a great distance and make extra effort just to see (independent black films are not typically welcome in the commercial theatre chains here in mostly-white Colorado). Pastors too busy to be bothered need to get their ass out of the way so God can send someone who’ll value teaching above ignorance.
15 Years Later: Biggie Smalls Autopsy Report
The Bad News Behind the Good Jobs Numbers
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