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No. 383 Oct 28—Nov 10, 2012

The Christian Right Abandons Jesus

Ten Days
The 2012 Election

30 Days
The Promise of Obama

1000 Days
The Obama Legacy

Why Doug Lamborn Needs To Go

The 2008 Election

Three Votes

The Romney Campaign Relies Entirely On Irrationality & Paranoia

At this writing, I have no idea who will be president when we return on November 11th. I will be heartbroken if it is Mitt Romney, not because of his policies (whatever they actually may be), but because America will have elected an obvious liar. This drains my faith not in the presidency but in America, for so many people to abandon the core values that makes this the greatest nation on Earth. I’m deeply saddened the race is so close. It horrifies me that so many people are casting ballots for a man they know, beyond any question, is a liar. It is irrational to place faith and trust in someone who sheds his skin almost every day; a user who exploits and abandons people. How so many Americans are finding ways to deny or overlook that truth is absolutely beyond me. Any man you have to wrestle with your ethics to vote for is a bad choice. In 2010 Newsweek's Jon Meacham wrote, “Barack Obama has grandly failed to lead the nation emotionally as well as rationally. Like all of us, Obama has the vices of his virtues. He is cool and steady, but can seem cold and remote. He is thoughtful and thorough, but can appear eggheady and out of it. He appeals to the intellect, but often fails to make the visceral case for something.” This is what’s killing him this election season. Much as I admire the president, he has failed to connect emotionally to the American people, which flattens the playing field for Governor Romney, who comes across not only aloof but disingenuous. Romney always *looks like* he’s lying, whether he actually is or not. He comes across as phony and terribly uncomfortable in his own skin. Richard Nixon with a closer shave. He just wants to be president, but he really doesn’t like us. I believe the president actually likes us, but he doesn’t tug on heart strings the way Bill Clinton does, and he hasn’t locked us in emotionally. We are, therefore, presented with two different varieties of fish, both of them cold. It makes it easier to turn away from the president because that connection, that warmth, is not there. The president has run a bad campaign. He has failed to disqualify Mitt Romney as a viable alternative and has underestimated both public anger and public ignorance. There is absolutely no doubt Republicans obstructed each and every initiative the president put forward to improve the economic situation, and yet the public remains angry about that situation and is turning back to those very same Republicans for relief. Voting for Mitt Romney is simply not rational, yet clearly half the voting public, if not more, are doing so. Regardless of what you think of or how you feel about Barack Obama, you cannot reasonably or rationally make a case that Mitt Romney is the solution, that Mitt Romney will be a better or more effective president than the one we already have. I don’t think I’m chagrined that so many Americans are voting Republican so much as I am chagrined that they are voting for this Republican. Forget Barack Obama for a moment: if there was a credible and honorable, thoughtful, reasonable and fair person running against the president—whether I agree with him or not—I’d be a lot less sad. My disdain is not directed toward Republicans or white people. It is directed at him—at Mitt Romney. And at the millions of people who have decided to sell their soul, and their country, to him. This November, there really are only three credible votes for Mitt Romney: a protest vote, a panic vote, or a racist vote. But, those are the only three votes he actually needs.

Fiscal Cliff Warnings Rise

Most economists agree the U.S. economy will almost certainly fall back into recession unless Congress makes changes to a package of automated tax increases and spending cuts agreed to last summer to break a deadlock over raising the debt ceiling. The latest warning comes from the National Association of Manufacturers, which released a report Friday analyzing the economic impact of the looming package of higher taxes and sharp spending cuts.
     “Even if the administration and Con-gress resolve the uncertainty before the end of the year, economic growth already has sustained significant damage,” the report concluded. That view is supported by the latest numbers from the government on third-quarter gross do-mestic product, which showed weak spending and investment by companies unsure about the long-term impact of budget policy.  READ FULL ARTICLE

Editor's Note: The so-called "fiscal cliff" was a condition insisted upon by the Republicans, who nearly sent the country and the world into a global recession by refusing to authorize a routine adjust-ment to the nation's debt ceiling limit (see this essay). These same Republicans are faulting the president for America's credit grade reduction, which they caused, and now blame Obama for the looming "fiscal cliff," which is their doing, and which now doing damage to the U.S. economy because Republicans are insisting on extending tax cuts to millionaires. This is not propaganda: look it up for yourself.

AP Poll: Majority Harbor Prejudice Against Blacks

Racial attitudes have not improved in the four years since the United States elected its first black president, an Associated Press poll finds, as a slight majority of Americans now express prejudice toward blacks whether they recognize those feelings or not. 51 percent of Americans now express explicit anti-black attitudes, compared with 48 percent in a similar 2008 survey.
     The AP surveys were conducted with researchers from Stanford University, the University of Michigan and NORC at the University of Chicago.
     Many African-Americans have talked openly about perceived antagonism toward them since Obama took office. As evidence, they point to events involving police brutality or cite bumper stickers, cartoons and protest posters that mock the president as a lion or a monkey, or lynch him in effigy. Experts on race said they were not surprised by the findings.
     "Part of it is growing polarization within American society," said Fredrick Harris, director of the Institute for Research in African-American Studies at Columbia University. "The last Democrat in the White House said we had to have a national discussion about race. There's been total silence around issues of race with this president. But, as you see, whether there is silence, or an elevation of the discussion of race, you still have polarization. It will take more generations, I suspect, before we eliminate these deep feelings."   READ FULL ARTICLE

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