Bill Clinton vs. Billy Graham On Gay Marriage
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Black Cornell University Students Taunted With Trayvon References
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No. 374 May 13th, 2012 this week
Father Figure
This Is NOT Salvation
A Simple Plan
The Blood of Jesus On Trial |
American Crossroads' Pro-Obama Misfire
What’s interesting about American Crossroads’ “Celebrity” attack ad against the president (above) is that it glamorizes Barack Obama and, frankly, makes him look cool. Now, this may whip the plastic-sofa-cover crowd into a frenzy—and there is a certain logic to that because they’ll actually show up and vote—but the video is dynamically entertaining to anyone under age 85. Worse, it underscores how boring and out of touch Mitt Romney is. The faux-“gangsta” music is intended to evoke black fear, to strike the same chord that unnerves middle-aged whites when they hear those jungle drums rumbling down the block toward them (usually to find some scrawny white kid behind the wheel). It is a patently and blatantly racist ad, but I actually don’t mind it. I like the music. I find myself wishing the ad were a little longer. And I’m educated enough to know virtually all of the grim statistics at the end of the ad are courtesy of Republican obstructionists who have delayed the recovery and worsened the recession by blocking or watering down every initiative this president has ever made, only to now attack him for our bleak situation. This is how ardent and skillful liars provoke and capitalize on fear, loudly if not proudly playing the race card and demonizing “cool” as if it’s something bad or something to be ashamed of. These people are nitwits, and the people blindly invested in them, to the point of abandoning every core value they’ve claimed to stand for in order to back a clearly disingenuous liar like Mitt Romney, are even bigger idiots. But this is how they win: they scare the Leave It To Beaver crowd into showing up, stirring them up to a frenzy. Turn down that music! Get off my lawn! Meanwhile, the tens of millions of young people, who outnumber these reactionary racist fobs perhaps 5 to 1, are too selfish, stupid and lazy to show up at the polls. They will bop to the commercial and scowl at the people who made it, but they won’t show up. Not deliberately, they’ll just forget or oversleep or be too busy fornicating and smoking dope. Or they just won’t feel like getting dressed. This is the president’s core constituency: a veritable army of navel-starers overwhelmed by the tyranny of having to register and show up. But grandpa Joe, his nerves rattled and his blood boiling from the hippity-hoppity music in this ad, will be there at dawn to throw the president out on his ear, even if it means voting in a pro-life, gay-affirming Mormon liar. Oh-BAH-ma! Oh-BAH-ma! Oh-BAH-ma!
Bill Clinton vs. Billy Graham On Gay Marriage
MSNBC News |
Black Cornell University Students Taunted With Trayvon References
Defeat By Design
What's Wrong With The Obama Campaign
I am deeply concerned about the viability of the Obama campaign. Not about its strategy or goals or even those of his presumptive opponent. I’m concerned with their media. The 2008 campaign employed excellence in political media unlike any I’d ever seen. Smart, well-positioned, classy, appealing both to our intellect and to our heart. A cohesive graphic language and palette. Most all of that seems to be gone, now. I don’t know if the same team is handling media for the ’12 campaign, but what I am seeing is incoherent, tacky, and borderline tasteless. “Win Dinner With Barack.” Huh? “Barack”? He’s the president. This campaign ought to be about the president, not some guy named “Barack.” Michelle Obama is one of the most glamorous figures in pop culture, yet the campaign has selected some of the hands-down worst photos of her for these ads. She looks old and tired, having lost, entirely the Jackie O mystique of the ’08 campaign. I can’t imagine who the campaign’s art director is, but he needs to go and go fast. What I am seeing, in print, on the web, is amateur night. The campaign needs to be at least as classy and upscale as the ’08 version and then take it up a notch. What I am seeing—images, fonts, slogans and ideas—is a jumble of crap typical of most design student sophomores. I can’t imagine what they are thinking, to have such terrible media in so tight a race. Obama is, after all, not running against Romney, he is running against hatred. He is running against ignorance and fear. It’s a terrible time to turn the face and voice of your campaign over to a 17-year old.
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