MLK's Dream:
James Eng / MSNBC |
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PraiseNet Video The Tea Party & African America
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No. 372 January 22nd, 2012 this week
East of Eden
A Dangerous Unselfishness
Paul's Letter
Thy Brother's Keeper |
Not Christian Enough
These People Are NOT Christians
150 leading evangelical pastors met in Texas last week to decide
which Republican presidential candidate they, as a group, would
support. There is simply no biblical model for this. These men,
most of whom are dogmatic, hard-line biblical literalists,
routinely violate their own professed beliefs by organizing
politically and involving the church in the political process.
Look all you want, there is not one single example of Jesus
Christ organizing a rally to overthrow Herod or Caesar. Not one
instance of the Apostle Paul painting up “Vote Romney” signs and
encouraging the faithful to throw their support behind an
ordained elder of a false religion that prostitutes the Gospel
of Jesus Christ as its veneer of legitimacy in order to deceive.
Seeing the Reverend Franklin Graham, son of renowned evangelist
Billy Graham, make a mealy-mouthed case for supporting Romney, a
Mormon, while continuing to encourage doubt about President
Obama’s profession of born-again Christian faith, marks this
man—who comes off as unhinged and irrational, as most
extremists, Christian or not, do—as blatantly unstable. But
white conservatives, lost in a
Matrix of their own, see what they want to see and will
grasp at any rationale possible to make a case for their
blatant, unbiblical and unprincipled hatred, yes hatred, of
Barack Obama that does not include the word “racism.” This is
how deeply in denial these people are. So co-opted by hate
they’d send forth their chief priest to crucify Christ afresh
with this complete abdication of biblical principles and
grudging, indirect validation of antichrist heresy while showing
hate to one of God’s children—all of this in clear violation of
the bible these phonies profess to follow. Wasn’t it just last
week that these very same people were saying they couldn’t
support Obama because he’s a Muslim? And here’s Franklin Graham,
Friday, making excuses for Romney’s Mormonism— “…after all,
we’re not voting for a pastor-in-chief.” Woe to you, teachers
of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom
of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will
you let those enter who are trying to. [Matthew 23:13] These
folks remind me of people who are clearly and
obviously drug addicts who are in denial about their disease.
Everybody can see it. Everybody knows what the problem is. But
when you confront the addict, they fly into a rage of denial.
These people are racists. It is clearly and plainly obvious.
They are addicted to hate. But they have money and power and the
company of millions of evangelical racist homophobes whose
conscience is assuaged by this veneer of righteousness even as
they blithely go about violating the very word of God they
portend to espouse. They don’t hate Obama because he’s a
They hate Obama because he’s black. And, because he’s
black, Obama could not possibly be a Christian or, at least, not
Christian enough for them. But these lying, phony,
self-righteous hypocrites lack the courage to confront the
disease of hatred which holds them in its grip. Worse, no one
seems willing to call these phonies on the obvious source of
their opposition to the president. Nobody wants to stand up and
say, "Hey, that guy is a drug addict," even though his condition
is obvious.
A January 8th CBS News Poll said that 60% of Republican voters
said it was important to them that a presidential candidate
share their religious beliefs. If what they are saying is true,
they should be supporting the president—a born-again Christian
self-made bootstraps family man with an unassailable, solid
track record of church-going who demonstrates, more than any
candidate in any party in any field, Christian values and the
imitation of the personal example of Jesus Christ. But these
same people not only do not support the president, they openly
revile him. Why? Is it his political positions? Abortion? Gay
rights? Healthcare Reform? Mitt Romney has held all of those
very same positions, and here’s Franklin Graham making a case
for him. These conservatives are simply liars. Their bigotry has
nothing to do with politics or values.
Barack Obama Is A Black Man And They Hate Him. And I believe
I’d actually respect these people more if they’d just come to
terms with that. The group
compromised on the racist, gay-hating, contraception-banning
Rick Santorum,
a Catholic who is not a born-again Christian and who has absolutely no shot at the
nomination and even less at a general election win. That there
was even a conversation about Romney proves, beyond any shadow
of doubt, that, despite their righteous claims, These
People Are Not Christians.
MLK's Dream:
James Eng / MSNBC |
US To Change Quote
The Unrelenting Tragedy of Haiti
Two years after it was rocked by a devastating earthquake, Haiti
is struggling just to get back to being one of the most
impoverished nations in the world. For every inch of progress,
there are many, many miles of devastation and despair. Much of
the capital Port Au Prince is so battered that it is difficult
to tell whether the destruction was caused by the earthquake or
decades of grinding poverty. The national government palace in
the heart of the capital lies virtually untouched since it
collapsed two years ago. That, as much as anything else, is a
potent symbol of what has not happened here. Throughout the
capital and surrounding area, where some 80,000 buildings
collapsed, one of the most striking things you see are the
tents. Some camps of them sprawl for acres and acres. Some are
smaller, tucked into a corner. Many people live in wood or
cardboard framed structures with plastic sheeting or perhaps a
piece of tin for a roof. It's hard to see how people survive the
tropical storms and the intense rainy season. Some of the camps
have taken on an air of "semi-permanence," run by aid groups,
and organized into little self-contained communities. They're
not going anywhere anytime soon. --Ron Allen, NBC News.
America has moved on from places like Haiti, Sudan and Somalia, places which demanded our attention with breaking headlines
while testing our compassion by the unthinkable scale of the
misery visiting developing nations. These are places trapped in
a perpetual cycle of
tribalism whereby a nation, liberated at great expense of
foreign (often U.S.) blood and treasure, becomes a black hole of
foreign aid as mismanagement, ignorance and corruption
inevitably co-opt relief efforts. Two years later, billions in
foreign aid remain undistributed even as relief groups,
the initiative helmed by former Presidents George H.W. Bush and
Bill Clinton, struggle to keep America from forgetting Haiti.
But America is growing tent cities of its own and Americans are
circling the wagons, fearful of this brutal economy and this man
Obama who's brought all this misery upon them. America has an
extremely short attention span, our impatience with this
devastating economic recession a key example. Haiti has been
long ago swept off the front page, our limited capacity for
compassion not having yielded instant results.
The sad record of these situations: at the end of the day these impoverished, under-developed nations inevitably choose yet another unhinged bully to lead them. They do this because unhinged bullies are all they've ever known. The cycle is sadly obvious: strongmen overturning the previous dictator by promising liberation and change, only to bring neither. While his early intentions may have been noble, his focus and drive inevitably becomes only about amassing more power and more wealth for himself. We've seen this time and again: King Saul, King Solomon, no different from Charles Taylor, Robert Mugabe, Issayas Afeworki, or any number of thousands of tribal warlords roaming a continent afflicted by poverty and disease, robbing, raping and killing at will. And, right now, America has problems of its own.
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