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No. 370 January 8th, 2012 this week
The Unexpected God
Why It's Important
Blind Faith
Who We Are
The Blood of Jesus On Trial |
Nine Months
What's The Point of Watchnight Service?
I’ve never understood the purpose of Watchnight service. I presume we celebrate the New Year by being grateful to God for having brought us through yet another year, that we have lived to see a new year dawning. Why? What have we done, what have we accomplished for God over the past twelve months? He has spared our lives…but for what? How many people did we, individually, tell about Jesus last year? How many homeless sheltered? How many hungry fed? We’re still here is our triumphant cry as we celebrate New Year’s. But New Year’s should prompt a sober and unbiased review of why: for what purpose did God spare us, shelter and protect us? What have we done for Him and, frankly, why should He renew our lease for yet another year if all we’re actually doing is taking up space or denying His promise? Praise God He brought us through cancer, but we’re still struggling with it: still kicking and screaming to remain on this side of Jordan when our belief system claims a fuller, richer, and stress-free life awaits us on the other side. Still here is our testimony, as if merely being here is some kind of major accomplishment. You spent $175 thousand on medical care battling cancer last year. It bought you, maybe, another eight or nine months. How many people could you have fed with that $175 thousand? How many mortgage or rent payments could you have made for some struggling family? How many heating bills could you have paid? Of course, it's not literally your $175 thousand—it's the insurance company's. The same company that won't help these people you're not helping, won't provide basic medical care to broke people, presumably because they're spending $175 thousand buying you another few months of struggle before you enter paradise. The struggle would actually mean something if we were actually doing something with those nine months. If we were telling someone about Jesus. If we were putting hands and feet to the love of Jesus Christ, rather than hanging around, going shopping, watching TV, taking up space. I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly. [John 10:10] Abundant implies purpose. Still here. Still taking up space. Still telling no one about Jesus. Still consuming enormous resources while giving little or nothing. This is the foolishness we do. Time to celebrate. Seems we're always celebrating something. Always some Annual Day or anniversary or some event the church expends time, energy and resources celebrating. But, if there are no souls saved, no victories won, no hungry fed, we shouldn't be celebrating anything. A glance at many church budgets will see thousands earmarked for these ridiculous celebrations—which are, let's be honest, fundraisers—with only a fraction of that amount reserved for actually helping people. The high school girl at the checkout says, “Happy New Year,” out of rote and obligation. She doesn’t smile at me or even look me in the eye. Her mind is somewhere else, on something else. She could care less whether or not my New Year is happy—and, frankly, it never is. This is just the foolishness we do. All that noise, all that partying, all that celebrating. But, seriously, what have we accomplished? What have we planted? What have we grown? And, more important, will our focus in 2012 be on what we can do for God and for others, or will it be more struggle to maintain self, another 175 grand for another nine months of pain and agony. I’d rather not wish anyone a Happy New Year, but a Productive New Year. That we'd get off the sofa and actually do something for God.
Young Christians Not Waiting For Sex Anymore
Eddie Long's School Forced To Close
I, Robot
Why Romney Wins
As of this writing, Friday, January 30th 2011, it appears that
Mitt Romney will be the next president of the United States.
There are a couple of reasons for that. First and foremost
because the other Republican candidates are just that bad. They
are, in fact, so bad that I imagine most GOP voters will simply
hold their nose and vote in Romney, a demonstrably soulless
empty suit. A man of absolutely no conviction whatsoever who—ask
anybody—will say and do anything and take both sides of any
issue. He is a demonstrably disingenuous man, one of those
ultra-rich dilettantes who seeks the presidency out of sheer ego
and because, frankly, he has nothing else to do. Romney lacks
even a single character trait which would recommend anyone’s
faith in him as a leader during this time of great national
suffering, but, as I said, the other choices are just that bad
and, by God, White America is determined to get Barack Obama out
of the White House, no matter what. The other reason is Obama
himself. He has failed, miserably, to connect with America in
any measurably visceral sense. He just kind of floats above it
all, missing his flight connections along the way. He does not
emotionally bond with us or inspire us. The dreadful economic
times have provided even Red Meat Republicans genuine
alternatives to their foolish racist attacks against the
president, absent which Black and Latino America won’t feel as
pressed to defend Obama. Just as the historic nature of Obama’s
nomination stirred and united ethnic minorities and independent
voters, Obama’s historic election has stirred and united
whites—both conservative, liberal and independent—to be
predisposed to find fault with him and want him out.
The 2012 dynamic is an irrational push to rid America of its
first black president, and the elevation of Romney—a man
disliked by both conservative and liberal whites, but who is
seen as the only viable GOP candidate—is the primary evidence of
that. Romney is measurably less homey and cuddly than the
professorial Obama, so in terms of emotional connection, they’re
both a wash. Obama has vision, but forgets to provide warmth and
empathy. Romney has measurably less warmth than Obama. He is not
so much professorial as he is synthetic. He secretes
disingenuity from every pore. Romney demonstrably has no vision
for America beyond his running it. He is the emptiest of suits.
And, unless there’s some real game change in terms of the
president inspiring hope as he did in 2008, this robot will be
sworn in as the leader of the free world, a testament not to
America’s greatness but to its institutionalized racism.
Conservative voters are not actually interested in doing
something good for the country. Their single objective is to get
rid of Obama. They parrot the party line that Obama's policies
are destroying America, but most couldn't tell you what the
president's policies are or explain in what way they are
"destroying America." The slow-mo, grudging conservative lean
toward Mitt Romney is absolute proof of this. These people know,
for a fact, this man is an onion, bought and paid for by
corporate interests. They know, for a fact, Romney will drive
immediately to the political center within ten seconds of being
sworn into office, that there will not be measurable daylight
between the aggregate Obama and the aggregate Romney. Their
support for Romney is wholly disingenuous, based not on what's
best for the nation but on who can beat Obama. They know the
country remains in the grasp of a social and economic crisis but
still insist on putting someone second-rate behind the desk.
It's not because they believe in Romney but because they
hate Obama. And they hate Obama—who has cut their taxes,
ended the war, saved the auto industry, reformed health care,
killed bin Laden and averted a second Great Depression—because
he's black. Period. Romney’s elevation has no other
empirical resource.
The rational, reasonable mind, regardless of political
disposition, says, in a time of crisis, I'd rather stay
with the guy we got than replace him with someone who's provably
not half the man the president is just because he's conservative
(which Romney is not) or just because he's white. The reluctant
groundswell now pooling around the former governor engenders no
other conclusion about the the conservative right: forget all
their noise. At the end of the day, it's all about skin color.
The extremes to which white America will go to delude itself and
avoid coming to terms with its innate racism are shocking and
sad. If they were running a real guy, a Reagan True Believer
with real chops and solid ideas that are actually better than
those of the president, I'd be less inclined to insist this is
simple self-delusional racism. But, in the midst of national
crisis, these people are trying to put Ted Baxter in the White
House—a guy they themselves despise and know, viscerally, is a
liar who is demonstrably but a shadow of the human being Barack
Obama is—just to get rid of the president. Somebody needs to
start calling this foolishness what it is.
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