No. 352  |  Aug 7, 2011   Start   Study   Somalia   1,000 DAYS   All Republicans Are Evil   Eddie Long   Christians & Intimacy   Biblical Prophecy   Wisdom   Back

1,000 Days

The Obama Legacy

Obama himself is the divisive and polarizing element in America.

It is Obama’s skin color—and that alone—that has America buying guns instead of butter, scattering us into clans of polarized self-interest. How Obama, who is every bit as white as the whitest, most middle-American blue-collar Everyman, could not know this—that his ascension to the presidency would divide the nation—seems nonsensical. That the president did not or could not understand his political opponents would work their mojo around something as wholly insignificant to his function as the color of his skin, and in so doing lay the foundation for irrational and improvable claims about his performance, marks him as either hopelessly naïve or a man with an enormous and dangerous blind spot about the nature of American politics.

Further, the political fragmentation of America based on the president’s skin color has created the very atmosphere that has given rise to the political extremism that now threatens the very foundation of the country. If we never believed it before, we certainly believe it now: blacks are not thought of as true Americans. By ostracizing Obama, white conservatives (whom most of Black America do not or cannot distinguish from all of White America) reject our legitimacy as joint heirs of this America. Every epitaph hurled at Obama is received and internalized by every black man, woman or child. It is incredibly divisive and will have lasting and deprecating repercussions to American society. It is possible the Tea Party crowd are simply too stupid to process anything beyond their immediate actions, but Republicans are chess masters who game out how this affects that affects the other thing. It is simply not possible mainstream Republicans do not understand their political strategy is undermining the very fabric of America. We are left, therefore, to conclude these men and women are, in fact, evil and are demonstrably racist. This conclusion hardens the hearts of Black America and builds deep and lasting divisions Obama's election was meant to remove.

In pursuing the presidency, Barack Obama had to know he was making his bed in a burning house. The economic numbers were all there, and the obvious political theory—divide and conquer—was evident. What was also evident was how damaging those divisive political tactics would be during a time of national crisis. Tanks and plane dropping bombs on cities are easier for people to understand and set aside petty differences to confront than are economic theory. Economic theory is largely conceptual. Most people need to be spoon-fed everything; complex ideas boiled down to ten words written in HUGE type on colorful billboards, preferably with an eye-catching picture, like the cover of Time Magazine. It’s not that the American people are stupid so much as the American people have grown so used to having information fed to them in these little Alpha Bits spoonfuls that, by and large, we believe whatever we’re told. Which logically depends on who is telling it. Which completely depends on who is most efficient at getting their message out. Which largely depends on who knows how to pander most effectively not to our intellect but our emotion. Hope, the president’s mantra, relies intrinsically upon faith. Faith is not valued in America because it relies on things unseen [Hebrews 11:1]. Fear, on the other hand, exists solely within the realm of things seen or imagined.

Thus, fear is much easier to access than hope (the premise

of the summer flameout Green Lantern). Obama likely knows and understand this, which made his first twenty months in office exasperating and inexplicable. Obama was carried into office on the shoulders of every American who’d pulled their hair in frustration at the eight years this country was run by a six-year old child. A man so disengaged in the science of governing that he took us into two wars and crashed the American economy. But the adoring crowds of Obama worshippers have thinned due to the president’s squandering of a congressional “super” majority that would and should have allowed the president to effect his reforms—reforms the nation voted for in huge numbers—quickly and efficiently. Instead, he wasted month after agonizing month in deal-making with the very people who created this mess; people who now held absolutely no power and no sway. People who would have run Obama over in the street had they held the kind of majority Obama held in Washington. Obama had a clear mandate: fix the country, but the president kept making these people lemonade and wasting precious time while they continued to fund openly racist, hate-mongering campaigns against the president, running out the cock to then midterms. The Republicans have made a science out of investing in ignorance, in hate and fear. They are masters of distilling incredibly complex ideas and situations down to ten words for the Jethro crowd. And, even as Obama wasted month after month baking cookies for these people, chasing even a single Republican vote, the GOP never once negotiated in good faith. Their agenda was obvious and simple: run out the clock and create the atmosphere of hate and fear which would get extremists voted in during the midterms.

What most of us wanted, from day one, was Green Lantern, whose ring is powered by his will power (a secularization of the concept of faith). Obama’s power is hope. The Republican power is hate and fear: hate and fear are literally all they have to sell. Obama should have resigned himself to being a one-term president. He should have come in and cleaned house, passing the same legislation he ultimately passed, but passing it intact and effective, not the half-a-loaf gang-raped anemic versions enacted into law as a result of the president’s wasted months appeasing people wholly unconcerned about the health of the nation. These people want power. They want negroes back in their ghettos and whites fully employed and back to suburbia. They want the world to be right again—white again—for them. Their ideology is so warped and so dug-in to postwar White Americana that they are simply incapable of accepting the fact America has moved on, that the nation has evolved. Barack Obama’s mere existence as U.S. president is obvious proof of that fact.

Under the emergency powers presumed to the 14th Amendment,

the president could have raised the U.S. debt ceiling on his own, but that would most certainly have invited an impeachment trial in the House. Why? Because they can. They know they’d lose, but the U.S. House of Representatives is now the joke of the free world, a pace of crackpots and whiny, selfish children. Children who are too stupid to know their house is on fire. If the president had gone that route, the House would have paralyzed the nation over the remainder of the president’s first term with an impeachment trial. They wouldn’t have the votes to impeach—they know that—but they’d do it anyway just to score cheap political points. Nothing else would get done, period, for the next year and some while this squabbling took place, while these morons got themselves fitted for their new foam rubber Statue of Liberty hats and Benjamin Franklin costumes. And the U.S. economy would most certainly collapse.

This is the fallout from the Fox News propaganda machine, from pandering to and ginning up these fruitcakes: they send lunatics to Washington. Lunatics who are willing to do what the president is not: consider themselves single-term politicians. With that disposition these people lack political vulnerability. They can be lethally effective as political Kamikaze. Had the president himself arrived with that resolve, the country and the world would not be in this position and, ironically, the president's reelection chances would look a lot rosier. But this is the dilemma our president finds himself in: perhaps the lone sane person in Washington, left to the mercy of idiots in foam rubber Statue of Liberty costumes. Idiots who care about absolutely, positively nothing else but the president’s defeat in 2012. And they’re more than willing to destroy the nation in their reckless and selfish effort to accomplish that goal.

Faulting the Republicans

for being more invested in the 1952 America that dominates the movie playing in their head is more or less a waste of time. I do fault them for not having learned anything at all from history, from President Hoover insisting on the very same economic theory the conservatives are strangling the president with, enacting fiscal austerity at a time of national (and global) economic crisis. But, at the end of the day, as much as I despise what these people do and how they do it, I have no choice but to lay the blame at the feet of the president.

He knew this was coming. He knew who these people were and how they did business. And rather than just mow them over and invest himself in the security and health of the nation, the president squandered his enormous, unprecedented popularity and political clout, something the nation had not seen since Ronald Reagan, by trying to appease people whose only agenda is to get rid of him.

History will put all of that in better perspective, likely

remembering Obama as a man who held greatness in his hand and squandered it by not simply mowing these guys down. Most of what the president hoped to achieve for this country was conceptual, the evidence and ultimate effectiveness of which would not be seen or felt until he was out of office. In that view, getting those things done should have been more important than seeking a second term. I don’t think the president’s poorly-chosen repeated kumbya initiatives to the Republicans was politically motivated, but I do believe this is the president’s chief failure: to lead.

I remember being annoyed at Muhammad Ali’s latter-day bouts, where the champ, the Greatest, would lumber around the ring, covering up, letting fighters half his stature just pound on him in frustration. In his glory days, Ali called this strategy his Rope-A-Dope, but in his latter days it came across more obviously as a winded Ali just kind of phoning it in. In trying to stay out of the corner, Obama ends up moving around the ring in a very unsatisfying political lumber. He caves or rolls over on everything the GOP opposes him on (which is everything), making him seem politically exhausted and weak. Clinton took his punches in the ring, but also managed to leave us a nation at peace with a two-hundred billion dollar annual surplus that was paying down the national debt. Under Bush, the debt exploded, and under Obama, the debt is doubling down on itself. The Republicans want to make that about Obama, but it’s still Bush: the debt is now a beast that feeds upon itself. But the Obama administration is so patently inept at reducing the president’s intellectualism into ten-word messages that stick, that all America hears from the Democrats is rambling technobabble, while the GOP have crafted a simple, elegant lie: Obama Has Failed.

And, he has. He should have gotten things done, gotten whupped in 2012, and left office daring the next president to un-do the monumental and historic change his administration had enacted. Ironically, had the president set that course, it is likely that would have virtually guaranteed his reelection. The president is mired instead in the muck of his own political ineptness or political naïveté. Independents (i.e. white males) are deserting him in droves, not because he’s a bad guy and certainly not because he’s black, but because he keeps giving in to these people. He has so politically wounded himself that he is not feared, not respected and not taken seriously. And, frankly, the only reasons many Democrats and Independents are still on the Obama bandwagon is the looming specter of a President Romney or, worse, a President Bachmann.

In terms of accomplishment,

Barack Obama is many laps around the track ahead of John Kennedy. John Kennedy has been canonized if not beatified because of the tragic circumstances surrounding the end of his administration. It is quite possible if not likely that, were it not for those circumstances, Kennedy’s immeasurable popularity among progressives and youth might not have overcome an objective review of his first term in office (which includes well-documented immoral personal behavior), and history might have remembered him as a man who inspired a nation with the best of intentions but who ultimately accomplished relatively little.

By contrast, Barack Obama is a man who also inspired a nation

but who accomplished a staggering amount of good which was irrationally and repeatedly evil-spoken of. The one and only reason Barack Obama is not thought of as a great president, as a Ronald Reagan, is the color of his skin. A white president with a more “American” name, who’d accomplished even one-third of what this president has, would be in line for political sainthood. Ironically, Obama is a white president, we just refuse to acknowledge it. His upbringing, his cultural indoctrination, his worldview, were all shaped by traditional middle-American Kansas values, raised by his white mother and grandparents. The Republican mission is to make us forget that, to paint the president as illegitimate, as a fraud, as “the other.” The main reason they’ve been so effective at doing that is the administration’s terrible, amateur-night communications. In a thousand days, they’ve never made much of an effort to paint the president as mainstream, as having been raised with mainstream values and mainstream views. They have done little or nothing to answer the endless barrage of hate and lies being spewed by the right, when, the truth is, the only real difference between Barack Obama and Joe Lunchbucket is the literal color of his skin. In every other conceivable sense, Barack Obama is just as white as any other U.S. president, which makes the hatred hurled at him that much more irrational and that much harder to defend as not being racism. It is, in fact, the purest racism there is: hatred based entirely and singly on skin color, as the president’s cultural disposition and experience is absolutely no different from the “real” Americans who despise him. Ronald Reagan was not a great president. He was an inept neophyte bumbler who wrecked the U.S. economy and did virtually nothing for America’s social struggles beyond creating an air of Pollyannaish 1950’s myth, whites across the country basking in the glow of their A.M. radios. Barack Obama is measurably, pound or pound, a much better president than Reagan and a much more efficient president than Kennedy, but is demonized.

We gave the president a clear mandate, a simple agenda: go clean up the mess. Instead, he became a part of it. We can blame Bush for the nation’s horrific decline, but, in a sense, the Republicans are right: it’s Obama’s fault. Mainly for having wasted time trying to deal with them. For negotiating away all the teeth of vital legislation. For rolling over and caving on every important relief to the nation’s historic woes. For not having put the country first. And that is likely what the history books will write.

Christopher J. Priest
7 August 2011