Black History Essentials

Does Black History Month still matter? Media sources and retail outlets are increasingly ignoring it because they experience no measurable dropoff in black patronage when they do. If we don't care about it, why should they? And is our indifference providing momentum to the trend toward eliminating voting rights and affirmative action legislation? In this presumptively post-racial America, where is the black voice?

No. 417 February 2014

Christians should be anti-drunk, anti-wasted. This behavior abuses your body and denies God’s sovereignty on your life. We struggle with personal behavior and/or shortcomings which do not please God. This is part of the human condition, our carnal imperfection which can only be made perfect through the Holy Spirit. This is a conversation the church should have been having all along: what’s the argument against Christians smoking pot?

Weed The People

Weed The People
This is a conversation the church should have been having all along: what’s the argument against Christians smoking pot?
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My Pagan Valentine
St. Valentine's Day infantilizes and demeans women who, in turn, emasculate their men.
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My Pagan Valentine

Video: Classic Obama

East of Eden
Cain and Abel: people who sin in an effort to please God.

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Study: Conservative Christian Hatred

PraiseNet Essentials 2013

PraiseNet Essentials: 2013 Retrospective
Trust, loyalty, honor, support, faithfulness, absolute confidentiality:  all core values of both the Christian faith and the Mob. How many of those ideals do we actually practice? Somewhere along the line we have lost our way. In that respect, we could learn a lot from the Mob--at least the way the Mob is supposed to work.

The Age of Obama

As President Barack Obama completes the first year of his second term, here is a collection of essays about this historic and turbulent presidency, and this president’s constant uphill battle against irrational conservatism and racial hatred, from Election Day 2008 to the present.

No. 416 January 2014

It’s important to point out I’m not talking about dumb people or even uneducated people.
Making a conscious choice to not better ourselves, to not be better informed or more rational, makes a virtue of intellectual laziness. I blame most of this on Bart Simpson, who made under-achievement a kind of ersatz virtue. We are no longer stigmatized for being stupid which is, in and of itself, stupid.

American Intellectualism In Freefall

Stupid People
Making a conscious choice to not better ourselves makes a virtue of intellectual laziness. I blame most of this on Bart Simpson.
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That a glitchy site could tarnish an entire year of a U.S. presidency speaks to how endemically fragile, and thus endemically flawed, Obama’s presidency is.
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Obama Year Five

Video: The Newsroom

The Blood of Jesus On Trial
If you find yourself judging others, keep in mind that you are putting the blood of Jesus on trial.

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The Blood of Jesus On Trial

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